Keywords: conflict management, efficiency, management, digital tools, corporate climate, enterprises


The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of managing conflict situations in modern organizations. It has been established that conflicts are an integral part of management processes, which, under the condition of proper management, can contribute not only to the resolution of conflicts, but also to increasing the efficiency of the organization. The study emphasizes the importance of identifying the causes of conflicts and their timely diagnosis in order to minimize negative consequences according to the following criteria: the type of conflict and its causes, the intensity of the conflict, the participants in the conflict, the impact on productivity, communication channels, behavioral style, the emotional state of the participants, and the potential for resolution. It is proposed to follow the following sequence of actions in conflict management: conflict identification, conflict analysis, strategy development, implementation and evaluation of results. It is noted that effective conflict management involves the use of strategies such as cooperation, compromise, mediation and negotiation, which contribute to strengthening trust in the team, improving communication and achieving common goals. The role of the manager's emotional intelligence and communication skills as key factors in preventing the escalation of conflicts has been proven. It was established that only constructive conflicts can serve as a source of innovation, creativity and organizational development. The results of a survey of managers of Ukrainian companies regarding the causes of conflicts and their impact on labor productivity, staff turnover and business performance are given. The experience of the world's leading companies, Google and Amazon, the largest employers, with regard to the policy on resolving and preventing conflicts in companies was studied. The article also presents modern methods of conflict management, in particular the use of digital tools for monitoring and analyzing situations in the team. It was concluded that effective conflict management is an important factor in successful management, as it ensures the stability of the organization, increases labor productivity and contributes to the creation of a positive corporate climate.


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How to Cite
Chernikova, N., Butenko, V., & Isaenko, Y. (2024). CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AS A COMPONENT OF EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (68).