The scientific article is devoted to the problem of improving the motivational mechanism in agricultural enterprises on the basis of balancing the economic interests and needs of all participants in labor relations. It has been established that a highly effective motivational mechanism contributes to a significant increase in the level of the organization’s personnel potential. It has been proven that an effective motivational mechanism should contain a complex of material and non-material incentives in their harmonious combination and mutual complementation. It was noted that the improvement of the motivational mechanism significantly contributes to the stimulation of innovative activity and creative activity in the organization. It is argued that the absence of a direct relationship between motivation and the final results of the activity is due to the fact that the results of work are significantly influenced by a number of other factors, in particular the level of qualifications, abilities, competence of the employee, the correct understanding of the duties performed by him, working conditions, regime work, state of health, moral and psychological climate in the team, etc. It was noted that the improvement of the motivational mechanism in agricultural enterprises, due to their industry specificity, has its own characteristics, due to the seasonality of many types of work, difficult working conditions, significant dependence on the manifestation of natural and climatic factors, etc. The key aspects of improving the motivational mechanism in agricultural enterprises are defined. Basic contradictions in the formation of an effective motivational mechanism of an agricultural enterprise are identified and possible ways to overcome them are outlined. It was noted that the improvement of the motivational mechanism in agricultural enterprises is a key factor in increasing productivity, quality and efficiency of work, in order to achieve which, it is extremely important to maintain a balanced state of the economic interests of the enterprise with the needs of its employees, which, in the end, will contribute to the sustainable development of the agrarian sphere of the national economy as a whole.
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