Keywords: e-commerce, fulfillment, Internet store, omnichannel, fulfillment models, WMS-system, microfulfillment


The article analyses the current trends in the development of e-commerce, with a special emphasis on the role of fulfilment as an important factor for the successful operation of companies in a competitive environment. The concept of fulfilment, which helps to develop trade and increase sales of small stores and large virtual trading platforms, is studied. The essence of the key business processes of fulfilment is revealed, including product acceptance, specifics of storage of goods, order picking, packaging and return management. The target audience for fulfilment services is identified: online stores, manufacturers and wholesale suppliers, as well as large importers and exporters. The article assesses the feasibility of using fulfilment services depending on the volume of orders, which allows businesses to choose effective logistics solutions. In addition to the potential disadvantages of fulfilment for online retailers, such as limited access to the warehouse, possible errors in the packaging of goods, difficulties with document flow and the need to guarantee stocks, the author also outlines its significant advantages. The positive aspects include reduction of overheads, simplification and acceleration of order processing, maintenance of warehouse stock, prompt shipment, availability of a call centre, as well as the ability to accept payments and refunds to customers. Two main forms of e-commerce are considered: omnichannel and multichannel. Particular attention is paid to the types of fulfilment, in particular, in-house, outsourcing to third parties (3PL), dropshipping and cross-docking. In the Ukrainian market, the article describes the fulfilment services of Zammler and Epicentre K. The functioning of smaller fulfilment services is described in detail on the example of CloudCommerce and FTF fulfilment, and the main points of Glovo's microfulfilment services in the European and Ukrainian markets are presented. Based on a study of the structure of fulfilment services of leading international and domestic companies, the article emphasises that the effective use of fulfilment allows companies of any size to maintain competitive advantages and strengthen their positions in the logistics services market.


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How to Cite
Hirna, O. (2024). FULFILLMENT: MODERN LOGISTICS TREND. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-41