Keywords: management, sustainability, financial sustainability, financial sustainability management, security-oriented management, financial management, entrepreneurial activity


The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical basis of security-oriented management of financial stability as a direction of entrepreneurial activity financial management. The relevance and importance of the issue of managing the financial stability of the business entity is indicated. The indicator of financial stability is an important characteristic of the business activity economic security, especially during a crisis. Some definitions of the term «financial stability» proposed by domestic scientists are given. Peculiarities of interpretations by scientists of the «financial stability» category were considered. It is noted that the category «financial stability» is considered mainly as an ability, state or result. Certain definitions of the term contain two or all three of the mentioned characteristics. Approaches to the definition of the term «financial stability» are summarized and a structural-logical model of the relationship of various categories, which are components of the definition, is formed. The model contains such constituent categories as «capital structure», «profit», «self-financing», «development» and others. The model also provides for the influence of the variability of the external and internal environments. An own view on the definition of the category «financial stability» is offered. A complex of indicators of financial sustainability of entrepreneurial activity, which are studied by foreign specialists, has been systematized. Prospective directions for improving the management of the financial stability of entrepreneurial activity have been determined, which are summarized according to four vectors, namely, economic, managerial, information technology and personnel vectors. It is noted that the management vector and the personnel vector require special attention today due to the need to develop modern management measures and mechanisms. Important areas are risk management, interaction with personnel and stakeholders, team management and human potential development. Attention is focused on the need to introduce a policy of «flexible management» regarding security-oriented management of the business activities financial stability.


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