Keywords: diversification, niche crops, high-oleic sunflower, added value, efficiency


The article emphasizes the role of diversification in today's conditions through the cultivation of niche crops. The main reasons determining the interest of agricultural producers in niche diversification are indicated. The main advantages and disadvantages of the production of niche crops are presented. It has been proven that niche crops are produced in relatively small volumes, have a low but stable demand and are grown to diversify production as an alternative source of income. They are interesting to manufacturers primarily because of their profitability, because with relatively low costs, their purchase prices are consistently high. The purpose of the study is the author's attempt to justify the feasibility of applying niche diversification through the spread of the practice of growing niche oil crops. Special attention of the research is focused on niche oil crops, in particular, as an example, the economic and social importance of high-oleic sunflower production is considered. It has been proven that in recent years, added value has become an important reference point for Ukrainian manufacturers when choosing the direction of their activities. Therefore, the production of products with high added value is an obvious way to increase the profitability of their production. It is noted that niche oil crops are the most profitable raw materials for the production of products with high added value, are a source of additional income for farmers and, importantly, primarily for representatives of small and small businesses. In general, there are enough prospects for growing niche agricultural crops for small agribusinesses in Ukraine. With adequate government support and sufficient resources, these crops can become a valuable source of income and help diversify the country's agricultural sector. The practical value of the study is that the cultivation and processing of niche crops is an interesting direction of diversification of production and export for both small farmers and large companies.


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How to Cite
Stepasyuk, L., & Stepasiuk, M. (2024). DIVERSIFICATION OF AGRIBUSINESS THROUGH THE EXPANSION OF NICHE OILSEEDS. Economy and Society, (67). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4827

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