The article examines the problem of ensuring the inclusive development of rural areas, which is gaining more and more importance in the context of modern challenges of socio-economic development. The conceptual foundations of the organizational and economic support of this process are considered. Strategies and methods aimed at ensuring the inclusion of all layers of society in the development of rural areas, taking into account their characteristics and needs, were analyzed. The key aspects of inclusive development are identified, such as improving the quality of life, social justice, economic sustainability and balanced use of natural resources in rural areas. The mechanisms of formation and implementation of policies aimed at creating a favorable environment for the inclusive development of rural areas have been studied. It was determined that in order to achieve the inclusive development of rural areas, it is necessary to take into account a comprehensive approach that covers various aspects of the functioning of socio-ecological and economic systems, such as economic development, social integration, access to education and medical services, the creation of new jobs and support for local entrepreneurial initiatives . It has been investigated that the key elements of the successful implementation of the conceptual principles of inclusive development are the functional cooperation of all interested parties, the inclusion of the public in decision-making processes regarding the development of regional socio-economic projects, as well as ensuring the effective use of resources and the introduction of innovative approaches to managing the development of rural areas. The need to take regional and local specifics into account when planning and implementing the conceptual principles of inclusive development has been determined, since each rural area has its own unique characteristics that can affect the capabilities and needs of its residents. The need for objective consideration of specific local factors when planning and developing strategies for the inclusive development of rural areas has been proven. It is argued that such an individual approach will help to use the potential of each territory as fully as possible and ensure the overall effectiveness of inclusive measures.
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