The article is devoted to the issues of risk management and adaptation of innovation and investment projects. It is emphasized that in the context of economic instability, risk management is becoming a key factor in the successful implementation of projects. Risks are an integral part of life. The risk category itself has different areas of study and there is no single approach to its definition. It is noted that there is no business without risk, and operations with a high level of risk often bring more income. It is important to keep in mind that innovative projects belong to the category of high-risk investments. The author analyzes the main risk factors accompanying innovation and investment projects, such as economic, financial, technological, market, regulatory and legal. It is emphasized that these factors are critical for the successful implementation of innovation and investment projects in difficult conditions of crisis management. Their careful assessment and implementation of risk minimization strategies will help to increase the resilience of enterprises to crisis phenomena. The article presents an algorithm for risk management of investment and innovation projects, which minimizes risks and ensures their successful management. The methodology that takes into account the key factors for ensuring sustainable development of enterprises is considered. The main recommendations for improving, adapting and minimizing the risk management system are formed, namely: the introduction of an integrated system, the creation of an internal group to monitor the macroeconomic situation, the introduction of flexible financial models and approaches to project management. The recommendations provided will allow managers of enterprises to increase their resilience to crisis phenomena minimize risks and ensure stable development even in conditions of economic instability. It is emphasized that the main emphasis should be placed on management flexibility, diversification of resources and markets, as well as on the introduction of modern approaches to risk assessment and mitigation. It has been found that effective management of innovation and investment projects requires not only financial resources but also the active involvement of leadership skills and a team approach. Enterprises that are ready to implement innovations and investment projects with due regard for risks and with the ability to quickly adapt to changes have a better chance of long-term success.
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