The article highlights the role and features of ER-marketing in the context of formation of the personnel policy of organisations in modern conditions. The result of the article is substantiation and essential characteristics of the main functions of ER-marketing (communication, information, research and analytical, formation of the knowledge base and employer's brand), which are related to the choice of the type of personnel policy and its formation. Based on the methods of analysis and synthesis, the study concludes that it is important to use ER-marketing tools to match the needs and capabilities of labour market actors, optimise financial costs for searching and attracting personnel, create an effective system for organising the search for candidates for positions, build a positive employer brand, and create a knowledge bank. The article argues the effectiveness of introducing digital marketing technologies and methods into the processes of personnel policy. It substantiates the importance of segmentation of the communication space by relevant parameters, intensification of internal organisational communications, positioning of the employer's brand, and expansion of interaction with public institutions. The research highlights the special role of the employer's value proposition in connection with the imbalances in the labour market and the shortage of personnel in most professions due to the war. It has been demonstrated that market research enables organisations to rapidly identify untapped opportunities and, through statistical analysis, construct a comprehensive database of job applicants' requests, develop detailed profiles of their requirements, and ascertain the cost indicators pertinent to recruitment. It is emphasised that HR-marketing ensures the formation of an information base and expert systems aimed at modernising the mechanisms for forming a personnel policy that is adequate to the challenges of the digital economy and adapted to modern realities. The publication emphasises that modern HR policy requires an individual approach to each employee in order to identify effective motivational levers that are in tune with the needs of staff and can ensure loyalty and team cohesion. The article's practical value lies in its potential to expand the scientific field of research in a variety of ways, including conceptual, methodological, theoretical, and applied.
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