Keywords: sustainability, sustainable development, climate change, energy sustainability, renewable energy sources, biomass energy, investment, regulation, sustainability indicator, EU


The article is devoted to identifying the approaches to energy sustainability in European countries and determining best practices for implementing similar policies in Ukraine. The author examines the evolution of the concept of sustainability since the 1960s and shows that sustainability is of particular importance for European economies, given the complex dynamics of changes provoked by internal structural reforms (economic, social, institutional) and the process of Europeanisation caused by the adoption of EU standards, as well as the various international and regional dynamics determined by the role of the EU in the region. It is shown that the global pandemic and Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24/02/2022 have been key factors in the growing relevance of studying the concept of resilience in recent years, having significantly shaped the range of research by European and Ukrainian scientists in the field of state resilience in general and energy resilience in particular. The article shows two approaches to defining resilience, namely, the static and dynamic visions of resilience. It is substantiated that the energy sustainability of a State manifests in the ability of the energy system to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of various challenges to normal and reliable functioning. Differences in the definition and measurement of energy system resilience and reliability are identified. As a result of the analysis of open data, key factors of energy sustainability in European countries have been identified, namely: energy diversification and energy efficiency; investment in energy infrastructure, including the implementation of a system of energy sustainability indicators in investment decision-making; cost-reflective prices and market intervention; regional integration of the energy system; rapid response to climate change; technological innovation and development of renewable energy sources; understanding the need for transformation and longevity. It is concluded that technological innovations and development of RES (energy production from biomass), as well as the implementation of a system of energy sustainability indicators in investment decision-making will strengthen the energy sustainability of our country.


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World Bank. (2014). Building Resilience for Sustainable Development of the Sundarbans: strategy report. Report No.88061-IN. URL:

NATO (2022). North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Resilience, civil preparedness and Article£3, NATO, URL:

RA (2024) Resilience Alliance. Glossary. URL:

Folke, C., Carpenter, S., Elmqvist, T., Gunderson, L., Holling, C. S., & Walker, B. (2002). Resilience and Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of Transformations. Ambio, 31(5), 437–440.

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Strategies for Climate Adaptation. Planning Practice and Research, 28, 307–322.

Anderson, D., Eberle, A., Edmunds, T., Eto, J., Folga, S., Hadley, S., et al. (2017). Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) (PNNL-26541). Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium

Electric Power Research Institute. (2016). Electric Power System Resiliency: Challenges and Opportunities. Palo Alto, CA.

H.R. Gruenn, Resilience and its Application to Energy System, Springer Berlin/Heidelbrg, 2006

IRENAa (2022) Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2021. URL:

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How to Cite
Duginets , G., & Taran, M. (2024). ENERGY RESILIENCY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (65).