Keywords: marketing research, consumer behaviour, market, online shopping, marketing efficiency


In this article, we have established that the study of consumer behaviour and the understanding of their needs and decision-making process in relation to the purchase of goods is key to effective marketing management and successful marketing activities of a company. The analysis takes into account different types of consumer behaviour and factors influencing it. It is emphasised that the population of Ukraine is currently experiencing the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the war, which are affecting their income and changing their health and safety needs. At the same time, there is a decrease in the demand for luxury goods and an increase in the number of online purchases. The theoretical aspects considered in the study of consumer behaviour in modern market conditions include the possibilities of predicting the actions of consumers with similar behavioural styles in different situations of buying goods. Approaches to modelling consumer behaviour are analysed. A number of factors influencing the purchase decision process are identified. Dynamic changes in the marketing strategy of companies and the use of a range of marketing tools require constant updating of the methodology of marketing research, especially with regard to the study of consumer behaviour under the influence of the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The study analysed which categories of goods remained popular with consumers in Ukraine without changes, as well as those for which Ukrainians began to save significantly and avoid their consumption. The main trends in the market of outdoor goods and their impact on demand formation were also identified. This underlines the relevance and importance of the chosen research topic, especially in the face of uncertainty and unexpected events affecting all spheres of life. The article analyses the main incentives and motivations of potential consumers. The article examines the theories of motivation that are most suitable for practical use in the marketing activities of companies and identifies methods of their application in the commercial sphere in order to increase their efficiency.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I., Tomashevskyi, Y., & Khirivskyi, R. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF MARKETING RESEARCH OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (65).