This research article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the concept of sustainable development on the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises. The relevance of the study is driven by the need to adapt the agricultural sector to global environmental challenges and the growing public demand for sustainable management practices. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for the effective integration of sustainability principles into the marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, which allowed to consider the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises as an integral system in the context of sustainable development. The study uses the methods of analysis and synthesis to study the components of the marketing mix, SWOT analysis to assess the prospects for integrating the concept of sustainable development, as well as methods of generalization and systematization to formulate conclusions. The results of the study demonstrate that the implementation of the principles of sustainable development leads to a significant transformation of all elements of the marketing mix of agricultural enterprises. In particular, there is a reorientation to the creation of environmentally friendly products, the introduction of premium pricing, optimization of distribution channels and the development of communication strategies focused on transparency and authenticity. The author has developed a comprehensive table of measures to integrate the principles of sustainable development into the marketing strategy, covering 15 key areas, including an audit of the current strategy, development of a sustainable product line, introduction of eco-friendly packaging and creation of educational marketing campaigns. The conducted SWOT-analysis revealed the key advantages and challenges associated with the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in marketing activities. The practical value of the article lies in the development of specific recommendations for organizational changes necessary for the effective integration of the concept of sustainable development into the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises. The results obtained can be used by agricultural enterprises to develop and implement marketing strategies focused on sustainable development, which will help to increase their competitiveness and adapt to new market realities.
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