The article examines the process of forming the competitiveness of trade enterprises on the basis of the cluster approach. It was proposed to introduce the cluster approach with consideration of services in the trade enterprises' commodity flow and the organization of the supply chain of goods and products. It was proposed to allocate clusters according to the stages and processes of the trade activities of enterprises: supply of commodity products, formation of the product range, ensuring a continuous volume of the product range, ensuring the quality of the product range, sale of goods, and organization of the goods flow. A mechanism for providing services in the commodity flow of the trade network of enterprises has been proposed. The main stages of the mechanism of provision of services in the trade network of enterprises were proposed: supply of goods, purchase of goods, transportation process, receipt of goods, ensuring proper storage conditions, the process of preparation of goods for sale in trade networks, the process of sale of goods, accounting of the sold goods, accounting of the balances of goods, and improvement of the process of organization of the sale of goods. Application of the mechanism for providing services in the flow of goods in a network of retailers will allow organizing the receipt of the necessary types of goods with the appropriate quality, receiving goods in sufficient quantity, meeting the deadlines for delivery of goods to each retailer, reducing the cost of procurement, and the process of supplying goods. It is proposed to allocate the costs of trade enterprises according to the stages of the mechanism for providing services in the flow of goods. The process of organizing the trade flow is proposed to be carried out as a single, unified system of clusters, which will allow for the development of a multi-level model for improving the efficiency of services in the trade network's turnover. It is proposed to divide the costs of services in the trade flow without separately allocating the costs of purchasing goods at supplier prices, as this relates to the cluster of suppliers. The stages of improvement in the field of improving the management efficiency of services in the trade networks' commodity flow, taking into account the transition to a cluster management model aimed at increasing efficiency, are provided. The interaction of management communications between clusters has formed. The introduction of a method for accounting and analysis of performance indicators of services in the trade networks' commodity flow is recommended. Application of the process of assessing the competitive advantages of retail chains in the process of developing solutions to improve the efficiency of the cluster is proposed.
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