The article is devoted to the study of the most important aspects related to systems integration and information security in the context of improving the management of an enterprise's information environment. Systems integration means connecting various information systems and software applications of an enterprise so that they work as a single, coordinated mechanism. The main goal of systems integration is to create an information environment where all data is stored and processed centrally, and timely and accurate access to it is provided for all users. One of the most common examples is the integration of an ERP system with a CRM system. The integration of these two systems allows to automatically transfer customer and order data between them. This ensures a faster and more accurate order fulfillment process, reduces the risk of errors, and reduces or eliminates manual data entry. The key advantage of integrating systems in a digitalized environment is increased efficiency and accuracy of information. An important aspect of improving information environment management along with system integration is ensuring data security and confidentiality. This includes the use of modern encryption technologies, multi-factor authentication and other security tools. Enterprise information security is a set of measures and technologies aimed at ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data. Security monitoring and auditing are critical elements in ensuring information security. Continuous monitoring of network activity allows to detect suspicious activities or anomalies that may indicate cyberattacks or data leaks. Regular security audits, which can be conducted by both internal specialists and external auditors, help assess the effectiveness of existing security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and identify areas for improvement. Integration of systems and information security together create the basis for successful business digitalization, increasing its efficiency and ability to adapt to constant changes in market conditions and technological innovations.
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