One of the reasons for the instability of the country's economy and the reduction of revenues to the state and local budgets is the unsatisfactory state of socio-economic security in the context of EU integration. It is determined that social security determines social protection of the population, social benefits, and the state of social conditions, which affects the state of the economy. At the same time, the economic security of a country is evidence of economic growth, protection of interests at all levels, rational use of resources, and protection of the national economy from internal and external environment factors. It is found that ensuring socio-economic security at the State level acts as a tool for protecting all business entities. In turn, the socio-economic security of enterprises determines the state of protection of the interests of employees and the economic system from threats from the external and internal environment, which ensures efficient operation, growth of performance indicators, financial stability and affects the level of profitability, tax payments, job creation, i.e. affects the country's economy. It is proved that in the context of a changing market environment and intensification of the digitalization of the economy, an important issue for enterprises is the digitalization of business processes, which allows automating the work of various structural units. In addition, the digitalization of business processes affects both the formation of competitive advantages, improvement of financial performance, innovative development, and financial and economic security by strengthening control over all areas of work, implementing software, creating conditions for training, self-development, increasing financial stability, and automating work through the use of modern technologies. It is summarized that the level of competition in the international market is increasing, digital transformation is taking place in the EU countries, and there is a need to digitalize business processes in order to increase the level of socio-economic security of enterprises through the introduction of modern technological solutions, which will guarantee an improvement in the country's economy.
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