Keywords: digital communications, digital tools, digital transformation, information and communication technologies


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of "digital communications" and its specific meaning depending on the context. The article provides a critical overview of the concept of "digital communications" and presents digital communications as a process of information transmission through modern digital channels, interactive information exchange and a strategic tool for business in the conditions of globalization. It was determined that effective integration of media technologies with traditional communication processes is critical for achieving effective information exchange. their typology is given and digital communications are considered as a process of information transmission through digital channels, including the Internet, mobile platforms, social media and other technologies, the importance of integrating media technologies with traditional communication processes to achieve effective information exchange is emphasized; the impact of information and communication technologies on organizational processes in the modern business management system is analyzed. It is emphasized that the globalization of the world leads to an expanded understanding of digital communications as a strategic tool for business. Organizations use internet marketing, social media and content marketing to promote products, interact with customers and build a brand. Digital communications are structured on three levels: macro, meso and micro. At the macro level, they provide communication with other organizations, at the meso level – with partners and customers, at the micro level – with managers and executives. The article also analyzes the trends of digital communications in Ukrainian companies, in particular in the field of insurance, logistics, retail and fast food. The growth of the role of cloud services, the internationalization of communications, the individualization of production and the combined model of personnel management are revealed. The integration of artificial intelligence, the development of cloud technologies, the growth of the role of social media and the strengthening of security measures have been named as key directions of the development of digital communications. The article highlights the importance of digital communications in today's business and provides recommendations for their effective implementation to improve customer interaction and increase organizational productivity.


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How to Cite
Osokin, M., & Osokina, A. (2024). DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS IN THE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (64).