Keywords: Internet marketing, targeted advertising, marketing management, marketing, social networks


Ukraine the relevance of the study is that for successful brand promotion on social media, it is very important to use targeted advertising to attract the attention of customers. It allows to increase brand awareness and interaction with the audience, as it is placed on specific sites for a specific audience based on their data. Internet marketing is becoming increasingly important both in Ukraine and globally, both in everyday life and in business, as consumer behaviour changes online. Targeted online advertising is becoming a key tool in modern marketing, requiring constant management and analysis. The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of targeted advertising as a key tool for integrated Internet marketing. The article shows how to organise and implement it in the marketing strategy of a company, allocates modern tendencies of development of Internet marketing and features of targeted advertising. On the basis of previous studies the basic principles of formation of a system of studying this process were determined. Modern approaches to the organisation and management of targeted advertising at enterprises are considered and a comparison with contextual advertising is made. The authors also reveal the key concepts related to targeted advertising and identify the main areas of application of this tool. The article provides a detailed assessment of the situational appropriateness of using targeted advertising for the optimal functioning of an integrated Internet. The process of determining the target audience for the implementation of targeted marketing communications is described. The main types of targeted advertising are presented and their features are revealed. The article considers and classifies the types of targeted advertising, including behavioural (audience) targeting, contextual targeting, search retargeting, website retargeting, predictive targeting, demographic and geographic targeting. The effectiveness of targeted advertising in social media is evaluated and analysed as a key platform for launching targeted advertising. An overview of the state of use of the Internet and digital advertising in Ukraine and the world is provided.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I. (2024). TARGETED SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING. Economy and Society, (63).