Keywords: tourism, the field of hospitality, organizational and economic principles of development, financial mechanism, strategies for the development of the field of hospitality


The purpose of the article is to define and analyze the organizational, economic and financial principles of restoring the competitiveness of the hospitality sector of Ukraine in conditions of economic instability. The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of the hospitality sector for the national economy, its impact on the development of tourism, job creation and investment attraction. It was determined that in the conditions of economic instability, the hospitality sector of Ukraine needs the formation of effective strategies to restore and strengthen its competitiveness. The research methodology includes the use of an integrated approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods of scientific knowledge. The main research methods include: analysis of statistical data on the state and trends of the hospitality industry; the method of scientific abstraction to identify the strengths and weaknesses and threats of the industry; a comparative method for researching the experience of restoring the industry's competitiveness in crisis periods; economic forecasting of the impact of various measures on the competitiveness of the hospitality sector. The results of the study indicate that the main problems of the hospitality sector of Ukraine are outdated infrastructure, insufficient level of innovation, low quality of services and weak marketing strategies of enterprises. The importance of the hotel and restaurant business as one of the important sectors of the national economy, which provides a contribution to the country's GDP, creates jobs and contributes to the development of tourism, is studied. The prospects for restoring competitiveness in the context of the introduction of innovative technologies, modernization of infrastructure and improvement of service quality are analyzed. The importance of public-private partnership, investment stimulation and support from the state to ensure sustainable development of the hospitality sector has been proven. It was determined that a comprehensive approach to organizational, economic and financial aspects can ensure the restoration and increase of the competitiveness of the hospitality sector, as well as positively affect the economic growth and integration of Ukraine into the global tourism market in the future. The measures proposed in the article, such as the introduction of innovative technologies, modernization of infrastructure, development of effective marketing strategies and investment stimulation, can be used to develop state programs for the development of the industry. The research is of practical importance for ensuring sustainable economic growth of Ukraine and its integration into the world tourism market.


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