The scientific work is devoted to the problem of the formation of human behavior in society under the influence of various factors. It was established that the main factors affecting human behavior in society are everyday way of life, consciousness, needs, interests, values, ideology, goals and motivation. It was found that there is a relationship between these factors. It was established that the main factor influencing human behavior in society is everyday way of life, which includes the conditions, means and methods of meeting the material and spiritual needs of people in their everyday way of life. It has been proven that living has a significant impact on human consciousness, the author describes the components of everyday way of life that have the greatest impact on human consciousness. The "typical set" of a person's interests and needs is clarified, and how exactly they interact with each other is analyzed. The list of basic human values is given, it is established how ideology affects the formation and transformation of human consciousness and its behavior in society. It was established that each person has a unique set of motivations - "motivational mix". Therefore, in order to effectively predict and predict her behavior in society, it is important to understand both internal motives and external stimuli that influence her actions. The peculiarities of the manifestation of the relationship between the economy, politics and values and the peculiarities of their influence on the standard of living of the population are clarified. The main trends in the change of priorities in the life values of Ukrainians in peacetime and wartime have been studied. It was found that the most important values for Ukrainians at the moment are: human life, freedom and human rights, mutual aid, mutual trust, and social harmony. It has been established that residents of different regions of Ukraine have differences in their value orientations, which may be due to the historical past and geographical proximity to different states. The peculiarities of fueling ideology and manipulation technologies on human behavior and social and political processes in the state in general are analyzed. The main reasons that lead to differences between state and individual interests and how this affects the socio-political mood in the middle of the country are determined.
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