Keywords: creative economy, creative industries, innovative value, creative approaches, technologies


Creative industries play a key role in creating innovative and sustainable economic development of Ukraine, contributing to business growth, increasing competitiveness and enriching the country's cultural life. The article is aimed at analyzing the current state of functioning of creative industries, identifying challenges and prospects for their development in the future, considering economic aspects. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the creative industries in the context of the creative economy in order to determine the specific challenges facing the creative industries of Ukraine in war conditions, as well as prospects that can be used to overcome these challenges and ensure the development of the economy. Methods of empirical and theoretical levels were used for research, namely: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction, generalization, modeling, analogy, and others. The main branches of the creative industries are characterized, which are united by a common emphasis on creativity, innovation and the use of intellectual property as a core resource. Creative industries and the creative economy have been found to interact, creating a synergistic effect that promotes economic growth, cultural development and innovation. The main differences in the directions of development of creative industries and creative economy are analyzed. The specific challenges facing the creative industries of Ukraine in the conditions of war are determined, as well as which prospects can be used to overcome these challenges and ensure the development of industries. Creating a unique experience for customers through interactive activities has been found to be a key factor in attracting and retaining customers. Innovation, adaptability and a focus on customer experience help businesses stay competitive and thrive. The article substantiates that international support, digitization and adaptation to new conditions create prospects for further development and restoration of industries after the war. The creative industries remain an important element of the national economy and cultural identity, contributing to social cohesion and economic growth.


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How to Cite
Bezuhla , L., & Lazakovych, I. (2024). CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND CREATIVE ECONOMY: EXPERIENCE OF UKRAINE DURING WAR. Economy and Society, (63).