Keywords: strategy, enterprise, development, IT sphere, opportunities, risks


The article examines the development of a strategy for the development of IT enterprises. The main goal of the study is to highlight the features of developing a strategy for the development of IT enterprises; determination of measures for management of the development strategy and formation of components of the strategic plan of IT enterprises in modern conditions; delineation of opportunities and risks when implementing a development strategy by IT enterprises. Measures for managing the development strategy of the IT-sphere enterprise were formed: analysis of current business processes; ensuring the participation of the parties in the process of developing software products; distribution of roles and goals among personnel; implementation of the software product development plan; adjustment and repetition of the strategic development plan of the enterprise. The authors systematized the components of the strategic plan of IT enterprises in modern conditions, which include: a technological road map; support for the transition from development between software products; IT inventory of business processes; information technology management; monitoring and achievement of key performance indicators; compliance with the chronology of time and the achievement of goals and results. The authors identified four groups of opportunities and risks when implementing a development strategy by IT enterprises. Opportunities will include: delegation of authority and independent decision-making; proactive response to emergency changes; construction of structural creative thinking in the enterprise; open and effective communications with company management. The following risks may arise: ineffective and poor communication between participants; inflexibility of business processes; inability to achieve results and passivity of staff. In the process of further research, it is necessary to focus attention on the study of Ukrainian and foreign experience and approaches to the formation of a strategy for the development of IT enterprises. This will make it possible to develop recommendations for improving the strategy formation process of IT enterprises in the conditions of a changing external environment.


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How to Cite
Miroshnyk , R., & Skabara , I. (2024). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY OF IT SPHERE ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-145