The article analyzes the conceptual features of the trends in the formation of a synergistic approach in the aspect of the functioning of marketing management of real estate management companies. The list of aspects of the formation of long-term relations and general features of marketing management in real estate management companies, constituent elements of the economic category «marketing activity» of the company in the real estate market is analyzed. The list of basic principles (taking into account the needs of the target group of consumers, adapting to modern market requirements, exerting influence on the formation of demand) and functions (developing a marketing activity strategy based on a comprehensive real estate market research, monitoring the price policy and distribution policy, establishing and ensuring the constant expansion of communication policy, critical analysis of the company’s marketing activity, monitoring of the marketing strategy in the long term) of the company's marketing activity in the real estate market. A thorough analysis of the concept of forming the general features of the company’s marketing activity management system on the real estate market was conducted. It was determined that the concept of creation and successful functioning of the company’s marketing strategy in the real estate market emphasizes the need to analyze the formation of general features of the marketing activity management system. Globalization transformations of the economic environment of the countries of the world necessitate the formation of a context for the modification of traditional models of management of marketing activities, taking into account the need to adapt to the pace of ensuring the progressive formation of the developed countries of the world. The successful reformation of the economy of Ukraine, especially in the context of the impact of aspects of a full-scale military invasion, necessitates the introduction of contextual changes in the marketing policy of companies. This issue is acutely felt in the aspect of functioning of the real estate market, as one of the fundamental ones in the state. Regional differentiation and significant complication of the process of ensuring the progressive development of the economic environment in Ukraine make it necessary to review the essence and main functions of marketing activity management in real estate management companies. In the current conditions, the attraction of additional investment capital into the state economy is a problematic aspect, since the synergistic effect of the set of factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of the economic environment is much greater than the benefit from the implementation of the corresponding investment project. In turn, the implementation of development projects in the field of real estate is a key aspect of ensuring the successful progressive development of the national economy.
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