Keywords: information, information support, innovative activity, information data bank, information technologies


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of information support for the innovative activity of the enterprise. The importance of information support for making management decisions in the field of innovation is substantiated. It was determined that high-quality information provision contributes to the improvement of internal management processes, which are especially necessary in the implementation of effective investment activities. Taking into account the fact that the innovative activity of the enterprise is largely related to the adoption of management decisions in conditions of uncertainty and high risk, an important role is played by high-quality information support, which, taking into account the functions of information support, it is determined that it should be formed in stages. The main stages of the formation of information support for innovative activities include: analysis of needs, collection of information, processing and analysis of information, storage of information, dissemination of information, updating and improvement of information. The article defines the special role of information technologies in information provision in modern conditions and includes not only technical means and software solutions, but also the method of registration, processing, accumulation and use of management information. These technologies make it possible to effectively implement and control innovative processes at the enterprise with the help of various software tools at different levels of management. The necessity of forming an information bank of data for the accumulation, storage, protection of information and integration with modern management information systems was determined. The information database provides storage and organization of information related to innovative activities. The information database ensures the protection of confidential information about innovative developments and enterprise strategies. The information database can be integrated with other management systems, such as production management systems, customer relationship management, which contributes to increasing the efficiency and coordination of innovative activities and makes the decision-making process in the field of innovation as informed as possible, which contributes to the reduction of risks and uncertainty, increases the validity such solutions.


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How to Cite
Duliaba, N., & Ivanytskyi , I. (2024). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR THE INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-12