Keywords: corporate culture, culture of innovation, culture of curiosity, culture of openness, culture of understanding, knowledge sharing, personnel development, competences, creative initiative, value-based development motive


The article considers the main principles of influence of corporate culture on personnel development. It is emphasised that staff development combines the rational component and the value and worldview component, which is the basis of corporate culture. The fundamental basis for the impact of corporate culture on staff development is the principle of development, ensuring the continuity of the process of learning and improvement, revealing the value of human potential, which grows in the process of development. It is substantiated that corporate culture through its structure, value content, motivational aspect and formation of a positive emotional environment contributes to the development of staff. The publication emphasises the importance of influence of all components of the level structure of corporate culture on staff development and characterises specific features of each level in terms of organisation of the development process and its essential content. Given the multifaceted nature of the content characteristics of human development, it is substantiated that it is necessary to systematically study the development of a rational personality, which leads to professional improvement and development of a natural personality aimed at worldview inquiries. The paper highlights the influence of the type of corporate culture structure on the possibilities of increasing the intellectual potential of an organisation through staff development. In this context, the main directions of influence of the culture of innovation, culture of openness, culture of curiosity and culture of understanding on the process and result of personnel development are characterised. It is noted that the specific structure of corporate culture integrally combines the intellectual component and the creative basis of development, reflects the dynamic nature of the development process, provides for qualitative growth and a culture of knowledge exchange. The research focuses on the vector direction of cultural influence, highlighting the internal vector as a worldview and value motive of the development philosophy, and the external vector as a response to modern challenges that objectively encourage the acquisition of new competencies and development. The study emphasises the role of digital technologies, which generate the need not only for professional development, but also for cultural formalisation of relations based on the new rules of digital communication and the culture of change.


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How to Cite
Zakharchyn, H., & Yurchenko, O. (2024). PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT ON THE BASIS OF CORPORATE CULTURE. Economy and Society, (61).