Keywords: personnel, recruitment, recruitment agencies, recruitment metrics, headhunting, screening, staff leasing, outplacement, motivational incentives, career


The concept of recruiting is revealed. The features of the use of recruiting in the personnel management system are determined. Approaches to the definition of recruiting are revealed. The elements of recruiting are disclosed. The author's interpretation of this concept is formed. The main types of recruiting are studied. The list of personnel, which includes each of these types, is characterized. The characteristics of the types of recruiting are given. It is determined that the main disadvantage of external recruitment is the deterioration of the "climate" in the team and some stress from a new person or from the manager's unwillingness to "grow" his employees. The work of an internal recruiter is disclosed. The stages of internal recruiting are highlighted and their characteristics are given. The effectiveness of recruiting is determined. It has been shown that classical recruitment involves recruiting employees for "simple" positions in the office. The main indicators that characterize the effectiveness of recruiting activities are studied. It is determined that the use of recruiting is important for the enterprise, because when hiring employees, management expects the maximum result, which primarily depends on the recruiter who is actually engaged in their search. The indicators required for recruiting metrics are proposed. The main measures to improve recruiting activities are proposed. In the final analysis, we examined the revenue volumes of global recruiting companies and determined that they are equal in size to the GDP of a small country. Regarding Ukraine, the study shows a decrease in the number of resourcing companies and their revenue, which was caused by the war in Ukraine and the lack of demand from domestic companies. However, with the future integration of our country into the EU, such demand will arise, because today recruiting services are not only saving time for a company to find an employee, they are saving the resources that the company spends on this search. Conclusions on the peculiarities of using recruiting in the enterprise's personnel management system have been drawn.


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