The article describes the main forms of communication between subjects of international trade. The classification of trade conflicts and methods of their settlement have been studied. The essence and content of trade wars, their negative consequences both for participants in international trade and for the world economy as a whole are considered. Features of the US policy as the most active participant in international trade disputes on the world market are characterized. The need to implement and the consequences of President Trump's application of import duties on steel industry products originating from almost all exporting countries are analyzed. The main areas of trade confrontation between the USA and China have been studied. Means for settling international trade conflicts are considered, among which the most effective are negotiations, consultations, mediation, international court, international arbitration, mechanisms of regional international organizations, mechanisms of global international organizations. The main functions of the World Trade Organization were studied, the procedure for regulating disputes in the WTO was considered, and problems related to the termination of the functioning of the Appellate Body of the WTO were identified. The situation with the formation of a temporary appellate body - MPIA - was analyzed. A number of problems in the work of the WTO were identified, in particular, its inability to cope with such challenges as the suspension of trade liberalization, non-compliance by member states with their obligations and violations of WTO agreements, the need for consensus when making decisions. A conclusion was made about the need to modernize both the WTO's rule-making activities and the means of settling trade disputes between countries participating in foreign economic activity. The need for further research devoted to the search for effective communication links between participants in trade on the world market is indicated.
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