Keywords: international capital flows, investments, foreign direct investment, world economy, exports and imports, international capital market


An analysis of the impact of these processes on the world economy allows us to understand the directions and factors influencing the distribution of international financial investment and its correlation with the GDP of countries. On the basis of this analysis, it is possible to make some predictions about the future development of economic processes. For example, if it turns out that certain countries or regions are becoming more attractive for investment due to improvements in their investment climate or infrastructure development, then we can expect an increase in the volume of foreign investment in these regions. This may lead to an increase in the GDP of these countries. On the other hand, if geopolitical or economic risks arise, such as conflicts or economic downturns, international investment may be redistributed, reduced or changed. In addition, the innovation activity of countries, their technological achievements and the level of human capital are of great importance. Countries with a high level of innovation and a developed economy may be more attractive to foreign investors, which also contributes to GDP growth. Thus, analysing the impact of different factors on the distribution of international investment and its correlation with countries' GDP makes it possible to predict future economic trends and develop strategies to stimulate economic growth. The financial and economic consequences of the crisis are changing the nature and direction of global investment flows. These challenges are creating new conditions for the development of debt and equity markets. The author identifies a number of factors that characterise the current stage of development of global investment processes and the mechanisms of their implementation. This allows for a deeper understanding of current trends in the global investment sphere and identifies possible ways for further development of investment strategies at the international level. Finding ways out of the economic crisis and attracting investment capital to the national economy is important for creating favourable conditions for economic development. Indeed, analysing the impact of these processes on the world economy allows us to understand which directions and factors influence the distribution of international financial investments and their correlation with the GDP of countries. On the basis of this analysis, it is possible to make some predictions about the future development of economic processes.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I. (2024). GLOBAL TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL FLOWS. Economy and Society, (61).