Keywords: marketing mix, marketing strategies, marketing mix of 4P and 8P, competition, restaurant business, stakeholders, idea generation


The article considers the role of marketing strategies in the formation of enterprise competitiveness. A review of the literature on the selected topic is carried out. It is established that many researchers were interested in this problem. It is noted that in conditions of uncertainty, the use of the basic marketing mix 4P is an ineffective solution and requires the use of the marketing mix 8P. The author's own definition of the term «marketing strategy» is provided and the problems it solves are indicated. Attention is focused on the fact that when choosing a marketing strategy, an enterprise should understand what type of stakeholders it will cooperate with and whether it will be able to meet their needs with the available resources and technologies. The process of implementation of the marketing strategy is provided. It is indicated what types of marketing analysis should be used in order to avoid unreasonable risks and deepen knowledge about the market in which the enterprise operates. Different types of marketing strategies are considered and the conditions for their use are described. It is noted that when forming a marketing plan, it is necessary to pay special attention to existing research and innovations, as well as to take into account the ability of the enterprise to cooperate with the external environment. The chosen marketing strategy will be effective if the target audience is identified, which is aimed at cooperation with the restaurant business enterprise, and is ready to cooperate with it within the framework of marketing activities. The process of implementing the strategy for creating a new product is presented. Attention is focused on the fact that when choosing a marketing strategy, you need to remember at what stage of the life cycle the product or service is, as well as what methods of product output can be used. The advantages that the enterprise achieves in the formation of a competitive level based on the results of the use of marketing strategies are indicated.


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