The article is devoted to the study of the transformation of the European IT sector in the current conditions, which is one of the steps towards understanding how digital solutions in the financial sector affect the overcoming of financial and economic instability in European countries. The authors conduct a thorough review of existing developments in global and national science, determining that the dynamism of changes and the rapid spread of information technologies in the world economy mandate a more in-depth study of the chosen topic. The article investigates the key aspects of the European Commission's initiative to create a Digital Single Market (2015) and shows that digitalization facilitates the generation of new ideas, prompting rapid modification of existing business models and thereby increasing the importance of building an IT sector that would produce solutions and tools for these developments. The article further analyzes the specifics of information technology implementation in the financial sector, identifies the benefits and risks of its digitalization. The authors substantiate the need to form and develop an institutional and legal framework for the functioning of the digital economy based on international cooperation in order to combine the traditional system with the newly developing one, so that economic entities can enjoy the benefits without being subjugated to artificial intelligence. It has been shown that excessive use of mobile money transactions and ATMs can also contribute to financial sector instability by increasing the percentage of non-performing loans and the ratio of bank loans to deposits. The growing use of mobile and online transactions raises the issue of cybersecurity, which requires new IT solutions, as better and more advanced technological infrastructure helps to control financial fraud to some extent. It is concluded that the rapid introduction of IT solutions in the financial sector necessitates access to sufficient resources and revenues in less developed member states to be able to compete in the EU market; the search for IT solutions to mitigate risks increases the need to increase investment in the creation of a secure and stable digital infrastructure. The authors' further research will be aimed at substantiating the strategic directions of IT solutions implementation in the context of financial inclusion and stability.
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McKinsey Global Surveys, 2021: A year in review URL:
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