The article is aimed at studying the important aspects of managing innovation and investment development in the context of modern economic and technological challenges. It is emphasized that in the modern business environment, effective management of innovation and investment processes is crucial for ensuring sustainable development and competitiveness of any enterprise. The article analyzes the current trends and challenges faced by enterprises, which helps to shed light on the complexities of managing innovation and investment processes in the current business environment. It is noted that the relationship between innovation and investment activities has an impact on the development of an enterprise. The most common modern strategies for managing innovation and investment development are considered, and their main characteristics are briefly outlined. An important aspect is the practical application of the developed strategies in real business conditions, and not only its theoretical study. It is emphasized that effective management strategies should include the search for external partners and investors, which will allow access to new technologies and knowledge, as well as share the risks and costs of innovative projects. It is noted that financial management is also an important element in the development of integrated management strategies, which should take into account the strategic importance of innovative projects and the potential contribution to the development of the company. Financial management should be efficient and transparent, with maximum use of investments to achieve the set goals. The authors emphasize the key factors that contribute to optimization, require an integrated approach and influence the success of innovation and investment projects of an enterprise. The article provides an example of Apple Inc. and analyzes some of the strategies used by it and their impact on business efficiency. Several recommendations are proposed aimed at improving the management of innovation and investment development of enterprises and ensuring their competitiveness in the context of technological change and a changing market environment.
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