The article describes the concept of "intellectual property" and the context that characterizes the types, assessment criteria, and development factors. This study aims to determine the main trends in the development of the intellectual property market, its impact on innovation processes at enterprises in different countries, and the use of positive experiences by Ukrainian enterprises in the post-war recovery period. The role of intellectual property rights and their interrelationship with enterprise innovations is defined. The protection of intellectual property is important for the activation of innovative activities. It is noted that globalization is a powerful factor in increasing investments in research and development, shortening the life cycle of goods, which actualizes the task of ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights. The experience of the USA in the protection of intellectual property rights, which has become a priority of the state and is based on various instruments, has been studied. It is noted that the use of intellectual property provides an increasing number of jobs. The main indicators and conditions of intellectual property development in different countries of the world are analyzed, in particular, the index of intellectual property, investments in R&D, researchers in R&D per one million inhabitants, and income from the use of intellectual property. It was determined on this basis that there are differences between developed and developing countries, as well as in Ukraine. In Ukraine, there has been a general decrease in the activity of Ukrainian enterprises in terms of submitting applications for intellectual property objects in recent years. The main indicators of the development of the innovation system are given, and the existence of systemic problems that need to be solved is indicated. A set of measures to solve these problems at the stage of post-war recovery by creating favorable conditions for the activation of innovative activity through the development of innovative infrastructure, revision of tax legislation, promotion of technology transfer, and conclusion of strategic partnership agreements is proposed.
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