Keywords: entrepreneurship, strategy, investment strategy, principles, risks, type of economic activity, investment, development, innovation


The article is devoted to topical issues of developing sound investment strategies in entrepreneurship in conditions of structural, economic and financial risks. It is emphasized that investments are the main factor of economic growth and scaling of enterprises. Considered different contents of the concept of investment strategy of the enterprise depending on the context of application. The characteristic features of the investment strategy that distinguish it from other strategies of the enterprise are analyzed. Such signs include: the essence of the strategy, purpose, primary task, object, components, and direction. Two main types of enterprise investment strategies are singled out: developmental and reproductive. Modern national challenges and threats in the process of developing investment strategies by business entities are identified. The main principles of developing the investment strategy of the enterprise have been studied and summarized. The relationship between the type of economic activity of the enterprise and the complexity of developing an investment strategy is substantiated. It was found that industry factors in the development of investment strategies determine: the ideology of investment, the goal or set of goals of investors, the direction of investment, probable sources of investment, the choice of the type of strategy in view of the comparison "profitability - risk", the pace and duration of investment, the presence of alternative / non-alternative project strategies and criteria for their selection. Different sensitivity of investment strategies to changes in the internal and external environment of business entities was revealed. Particularly sensitive component parameters for development in the process of developing the investment strategy of the enterprise have been determined. These include: substantiating the investment capabilities of the enterprise, outlining the investment needs of the enterprise, developing a system of organizational and economic measures to ensure the implementation of the investment strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of the investment strategy on specific projects.


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How to Cite
Romaniv, A., & Sytnyk, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT STRATEGIES IN BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-66