Ukraine aspires to become a full member of the European Union. The country is expected to receive EU candidate status in 2022. Ukraine's foreign trade with the EU countries accounts for a significant share of its total foreign trade. The full-scale military invasion of russia has affected Ukraine's foreign trade, caused significant losses of human capital, disrupted infrastructure and trade chains, and caused extensive damage to production facilities due to power outages. The article presents indicators of foreign economic activity and identifies trends in their change. The article provides a detailed analysis of the main indicators reflecting the nature of economic relations between Ukraine and EU countries. The main dependencies of the dynamics of Ukraine's trade with the EU are identified. The method of system analysis is used to determine the structure of foreign economic activity. Import and export data were collected and compared using the methods of observation and description, and a comprehensive approach was used to highlight the peculiarities of Ukraine's foreign economy during the war. The article analyses the commodity and geographical structure of imports and exports. The author analyses the statistical data of the State Customs Service of Ukraine for the first half of 2023, which reflect the current situation of foreign trade in goods in the context of the war, taking into account the situation on the world market. The state of foreign trade in the first half of 2023 shows signs of stabilisation of foreign economic activity. However, given the consequences of the damage to port infrastructure and the disruption of grain exports, the performance in the second half of this year is likely to be worse. Exports to the EU fell by 10% as a result of a decline in exports in most product categories due to problems with the transit of agricultural products and import bans on cereals and oilseeds imposed by some EU member states. The continued growth in imports, combined with a moderate decline in exports, led to a deterioration in the trade balance, which increased to a negative balance of over USD 11 billion. This represents an increase of USD 8.4 billion or 317%. The priority for the near future should be to diversify logistics routes by developing land transport corridors to the EU in order to reduce dependence on maritime exports. Ukraine's move towards European integration is also accelerating in the area of foreign trade, as evidenced by the strengthening of trade relations with the EU, especially as Ukraine's trade with the EU is now at a level comparable to that of some EU member states.
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