The article is devoted to the study of the development of the region in the conditions of the formation of the knowledge economy. The authors presented the essence of the concept, identified the characteristic features of the knowledge economy, analyzed the obstacles that slowed down the development of the knowledge economy in Ukraine, studied the stages of development of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of the formation of the knowledge economy, indicated the conditions on which the successful process of formation and development of the knowledge economy depends, outlined the main features of the knowledge economy at the level of the national economy, the main features of the development of the regions in the conditions of the formation of the knowledge economy are given, methods of introducing the knowledge economy into the activity of the region are proposed, possible prospects for the development of the knowledge economy are presented. The implementation of the knowledge economy in Ukraine has gone through certain stages that arose as a result of the internal geopolitical situation, the institutional environment, the limited attention of the state to the components of the knowledge economy, the low level of health care and education, negative demographic indicators and insufficient funding for the development of human capital. Recent years in Ukraine have been an active phase in the development of innovative and technological support, which affects the development of regions and makes it possible to achieve certain positive results and prospects in them, namely: increased competitiveness, promotion of job creation, attracting investments, increasing the level of education and training , improving the quality of life, creating innovative products and services, developing the startup ecosystem, increasing integration, supporting scientific research, ensuring sustainable development. To achieve success in the process of forming the knowledge economy in Ukraine at the national and regional levels, it is necessary to take into account its features depending on the level of management.
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