Keywords: digitalization, agricultural sector, , scientific and technical cooperation, European Union, Ukraine


The research is devoted to the study of the experience of digitalization of the EU agricultural sector, which is one of the steps towards understanding the mechanisms and tools for improving the effectiveness of scientific and technical cooperation with the EU in order to approach European standards. It is substantiated that the domestic agricultural sector, which is focused on the export of raw materials with a small share of high value-added products, needs to introduce information technology and, accordingly, investments. This is especially true in the context of the implementation of the DCFTA+ with the EU and the desire to strengthen the competitive advantages of Ukrainian products in the European domestic market. The article examines the evolution of implementation of a number of legal acts aimed at promoting sustainability and innovation in agriculture, supporting the digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas of the European Union since 1962. The specifics of the introduction of information technologies in the EU in recent years are analyzed. The activities of scientific and technical cooperation projects that provide technical support, help farmers, member state agencies that pay funds, farm consultants, and developers of digital solutions to improve their capabilities in various areas of agriculture, environmental protection, and sustainable development are investigated. The existing potential of the developed and implemented technological solutions for the agricultural sector is identified. The main ones are considered and it is concluded that, compared to the practice of introducing information technologies in the EU agricultural sector, there is a weak involvement of research institutions in identical processes in Ukraine. It is proposed to intensify scientific and technical cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of promoting the use of big data in combination with relevant scientific research in the field of agriculture, as well as to direct and strengthen applied research in Ukraine on the integrated use of data processing technologies and technologies for decision support, providing new methods and ideas for public decision-making and the development of agricultural enterprises.


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Zhao, L. Success or Failure? The Evolution of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System in the EU Countries and itsImplications for China. Chin. Rural Econ. 2020, 7, 122–144.

Knierim, A.; Labarthe, P.; Laurent, C.; Prager, K.; Kania, J.; Madureira, L.; Ndah, R.A.H.T. Pluralism of agricultural advisoryservice providers—Facts and insights from Europe. J. Rural Stud. 2017, 55, 45–58.

Prager, K.; Creaney, R.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A. Criteria for a system level evaluation of farm advisory services. Land Use Policy 2017,61, 86–98.

World Food Center. Available online:

Labarthe, P. Extension services and multifunctional agriculture. Lessons learnt from the French and Dutch contexts andapproaches. J. Environ. Manag. 2009, 90, S193–S202.

Knierim, A.; Labarthe, P.; Laurent, C.; Prager, K.; Kania, J.; Madureira, L.; Ndah, R.A.H.T. Pluralism of agricultural advisory service providers—Facts and insights from Europe. J. Rural Stud. 2017, 55, 45–58.

Copernicus Available online:

FaST. Farm Sustainability Tool Available online:

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How to Cite
Duginets, G., & Nizheiko, K. (2023). DIGITALIZATION OF THE EU AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (56).