Keywords: innovation, product, process, management, mechanism, enterprise


The integration of Ukraine into the European community and the strengthening of competition in the external environment for the enterprise are the main factors that determine the need for the introduction of innovations in the production of products. World experience indicates that increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise on the basis of innovation is most often achieved by satisfying the needs of consumers for quality products, a wide assortment and affordable prices. According to the results of the generalization of scientific works of economists and researchers, systemic and situational approaches to innovation management are distinguished. The essence of the system approach is that the management staff must take into account all the components of the production potential of the enterprise, which are aimed at implementing innovations and solving the tasks. The situational approach is based on the choice of the most appropriate method and direction of innovation implementation. The study revealed that the management of innovations in the enterprise is one of the most difficult tasks that the managers of the enterprises constantly face, and the solution of which should be directed to the interaction of all units of the enterprise. It was established that innovation management should be considered as a system, and its activity is a chain of interconnected actions aimed at the application of product and process innovations. Product innovations are characterized by embodied form in the form of an innovative product that brings satisfaction and benefit to consumers. Process innovations, unlike product innovations, do not have a material form, so it is difficult to see them and evaluate the effectiveness of their application, however, they are an integral part of the management process at the enterprise. It was determined that innovations allow to increase the volume of production of products, to optimize the costs of their production and to obtain profits. It is substantiated that the main goal of the innovation management mechanism at the enterprise is to ensure the long-term functioning of the innovation process in order to create competitive products based on the latest technologies in the most effective and optimal way.


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How to Cite
Hrabchuk, I., Samsoniuk, V., & Tvardovska, I. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS IN THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (56).