Keywords: culture, communications, communication management, ethical norms, values, functions of communication culture


The article highlights the peculiarities of communication culture and its role in the personnel management system. It emphasises the modern factors that have qualitatively changed the processes of communication in society in general and in organisations in particular and stimulated the search for adequate mechanisms of interaction culture. The points of contact between communication culture and communication management as autonomous but complementary categories are emphasised. The paper emphasises the multidimensional manifestation of communication culture in personnel management, in particular: cultural, informational, image-forming, social, technological, which emphasises its specificity and peculiarity. The result of the presentation is a definition of communication culture and a description of its main functions aimed at the efficiency of personnel management. It is noted that in conceptual terms, communication culture is closely related to the social concept of personnel management, which reflects the humanistic philosophy and value-oriented personnel policy of the organisation. Based on the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalisation, it is proved that communication culture is determined by the values and norms dominating in society and the ways of fixing and disseminating cultural meanings, the instrument of which is the communication system. It is substantiated that in the system of personnel management, communication culture is manifested through the institutional component of culture (cultural norms) and emotional (formation of an attractive emotional and psychological climate in the team). The practical value is the substantiation of the mechanism for using cultural norms in all areas of personnel management - when hiring an employee, evaluating personnel performance, motivational policy, adaptation, personnel development, establishing team cooperation, etc. It is noted that the emergence of digital technologies has made adjustments to the communication process and stimulated the emergence of a new ethical norm in the communication culture - digital etiquette. The research highlights the peculiarities of communication processes in wartime, which outline new tasks for communication culture.


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How to Cite
Zakharchyn, H. (2023). THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION CULTURE IN HR MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (56).