кадриModern market conditions are characterized by high competition and rapid changes. Businesses need to adapt their HR policies to attract, retain and develop talented employees. The development of technology also affects the change in personnel requirements. Companies must quickly adapt their personnel policies to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge. The article examines various approaches and strategies used by enterprises to manage human capital. It has been proven that personnel policy becomes a key factor in achieving success in modern business, as it affects the motivation of employees, their development, as well as relations with clients and partners. Various approaches of Ukrainian scientists to defining the category of personnel policy are analyzed. The main forms of personnel policy are considered, namely: flexible labor force, which involves the use of various forms of labor agreements and employment to achieve greater adaptability and flexibility in the use of labor force; development of competences and training, which involves active support and stimulation of the process of training and development of employees; work balance, which is aimed at creating harmony between the working and personal life of employees; career development and mentoring aimed at promoting professional growth and development of employees; variable wages, international adaptation aimed at effective integration and adaptation of foreign workers; development and support of corporate culture; innovative HR technologies that use advanced information and communication technologies to optimize and improve the management of human capital resources at the enterprise. In general, modern personnel policy requires constant updating and adaptation to the changing conditions of the labor market and technological innovations. It is becoming an important tool for attracting, developing and retaining talented employees and achieving success in today's business landscape. A properly designed and implemented personnel policy helps enterprises reach a new level of competitiveness and create sustainable success.
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