Keywords: university rating, educational process stakeholders, rating criteria, university’s mission and vision


The study purpose is a critical analysis modern university rating methods, systematization rating criteria taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. Despite significant criticism in academic circles, the Times Higher Education, World University Rankings Quacquarelli Symonds and Shanghai Ranking Consultancy remain the most popular among the world's university rankings. The rating purpose is to create a basis for comparison and simplify decision-making by certain target groups - stakeholders of educational process. However, one gets the impression that the target group of the mentioned ratings is intentionally left undefined in order to create the appearance of the rating assessment universality. Analysis of rating criteria made it possible to establish common evaluation parameters: quality of education and teaching, bibliometric indicators. However, these criteria are not equally interesting to applicants and teachers, employers and universities. In addition, within the same target group, for example, universities, there are special input parameters (branch of knowledge, university’s size, access to financing, level of education affordability, etc.) that increase the priority of some and reduce the importance of other rating criteria. Despite the fact that for applicants, the rating and prestige of the university is an important criterion, for students who combine studies with work, or those who already have work experience, the importance of the education and teaching quality, employers’ reputation are increasing. ARWU Ranking and THE Rankings have a different ratio between "educational" and "research" indicators - 50:40 and 30:60, respectively, and in QS Rankings and U.S.News Best Global Universities Ranking indicators education and teaching quality are not distinguished at all. Therefore, criteria and their importance reflect the different significance of integrated rating for a separate target group. The university's rating should be the consequence of following development strategy in accordance with the mission, vision and values declared by the university, and not vice versa.


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How to Cite
Kryvtsun, I. (2023). UNIVERSITIES’ RATING: ASSESSMENT AND CONSEQUENCES. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-20