Keywords: economic efficiency, transport, motor transport enterprises, development, transport services


Transport companies play a key role in the development of national and global economies. They transport goods and people, ensuring the movement of resources and creating opportunities for trade and investment. Optimizing their activities can help increase the gross domestic product and increase economic stability. The transportation industry is very competitive. Enterprises that demonstrate high efficiency and quality of services have an advantage in the market. Studying and developing the prerequisites for improving efficiency becomes strategically important to ensure success in this market. The article examines various methods and strategies that can be used to increase the efficiency of motor transport enterprises in modern economic conditions. The process of route optimization, which is one of the key methods for increasing the economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises, has been studied. The implementation of environmental technologies in the activities of motor transport enterprises is analyzed. Cost management is studied, which is an important aspect for increasing the economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises. The main directions and methods of investment in motor transport infrastructure are analyzed. The process of automation and implementation of information systems to increase the economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises in the modern world is substantiated. The main directions of improving the quality of customer service of the enterprise were studied. The need to conduct advanced training courses for the personnel of motor transport enterprises is substantiated. Increasing the economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises is a critical task that requires a comprehensive approach and the implementation of various methods and strategies. Prerequisites for improving efficiency include the optimization of logistics processes, the use of innovative technologies, infrastructure improvements and investments, staff training and improved customer service. All the factors investigated in the article together contribute to increasing competitiveness and achieving economic efficiency of motor transport enterprises in the modern business environment.


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