Keywords: marketing communications, communication policy, communication strategy, target audience, consumers


The article examines the issue of improving marketing communications in modern business organizations. The study highlights the importance of a strategic approach to communication processes, as well as recommendations for improving the communication strategy of organizations. In the modern conditions of fierce competition in the market, it is not enough to simply develop new high-quality products, set the best price for them, and choose effective distribution channels.The rational use of marketing communications serves as the cornerstone for cultivating a resilient, positive corporate image. This, in turn, empowers companies to wield a certain degree of influence in the market, fortifies their standing among alternative options, and streamlines their entry to financial, informational, and human resources. The relevance of the researched topic is due to the need for enterprises to adapt to changes in consumer attitudes, as well as to meet new challenges and opportunities provided by the modern market. A successful business organization must be open to innovative approaches in the field of marketing communications, as they help define the brand, attract and retain customers. In this context, the article explores the key aspects of marketing communications, such as communicative marketing policy, which is aimed at ensuring the sustainable future development of the enterprise, implementing the company's development strategy, and increasing demand to maximize profits. The complex of marketing communications involves the unification of all participants, channels and methods, means of communication of the enterprise aimed at establishing and maintaining the necessary relationships between the enterprise and the market environment to achieve marketing goals. In addition this article provides examples of innovative approaches that contribute to the improvement of marketing communication strategies in business organizations. This article is aimed at increasing the level of effectiveness of marketing communications which, in turn, can lead to stronger brand recognition and customer engagement, ultimately bolstering the overall success and competitiveness of the business.


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How to Cite
Osokina, A., & Rylovnikova, A. (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS. Economy and Society, (55).