The article is devoted to the study of modern features of cash flow planning of enterprises in the European integration conditions during the war, the potential for the development of management, in particular, cash flow planning. The main objectives of the article are to study the current trends and features of the system of cash flow planning of enterprises in the context of European integration, especially under the influence of the war with Russia. The paper analyzes the problems of managing financial and cash flows in Ukraine in times of war. Research methods used in the article: statistical research method, analytical methods, etc. The transition to market conditions has provoked instability in our country's economy and a deterioration in the financial condition of many businesses. The situation has worsened significantly due to the negative impact of the pandemic and its consequences (in 2020-2022 years), as well as the war with russia. After all, moscow's aggression against Ukraine has already caused large-scale destruction of both productive capital and infrastructure (not to mention terrible human losses, social losses, etc.). The main factors of formation of the system for planning cash flows of domestic enterprises are allocated. A scheme of sequence of modeling the capital structure of enterprise in the context of European integration is proposed. For the proposed scheme of the sequence of modeling the capital structure of an enterprise in the context of European integration, it is possible to limit internal and external parameters. Their set (list) and levels can be varied depending on the level of complexity of the system, internal and external requirements, institutional features of formation, functioning, development of the system, etc. Cash flow planning at enterprises in today's conditions is an extremely important and necessary process. The practical significance of the study is as follows: the level of efficiency, rationality of the cash flow planning system will determine the comprehensive success of the enterprises' functioning in the domestic and foreign markets.
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