The article is devoted to the transformation and adaptation peculiarities of the logistics business in Ukraine to the today’s challenges caused by military aggression. The latest research and publications are analyzed, which reveal the problems faced by logistics since the military invasion beginning, how the logistics business is responding, and what quick and effective solutions are made. The author emphasized the effective functioning importance of the country's logistics in the martial law conditions, since the resistance to the aggressor and the economic development of the country depend on it. The main logistics problems that affect the enterprises work in the Ukraines logistics sector have been formed and highlighted, among which the following are highlighted: business refusal to accumulate goods in warehouses, change of warehouse facilities location, difficulties in purchasing goods, general complication of logistics operations. The author highlights the nearshoring (permanent instability) concept, which is appropriate to characterize the logistics industry new reality. The direct dependence of the logistics business state on the demand for transport and warehouse services has been proven. The changes that took place in production, and therefore in the export-import processes of Ukraine, were analyzed. The modern state of the transportation field under the war influence, their adaptation and the main decisions are studied. The main problems faced by enterprises in the warehouse sector are highlighted. The assessment of the economic growth main factors and logistics infrastructure restoration was carried out. A world trends list in logistics has been formed, which will be expedient to implement in Ukraine, in particular: development of small and medium-sized businesses, green technologies and digital solutions implementation, small logistics hubs development, security. Solutions have been developed that are expedient for Ukrainian business to implement in order to preserve logistics functionality, as well as further recovery and modernization.
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