Keywords: development, development potential, personnel potential, human capital, collective potential, personal potential, intellectual potential, development strategy


The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of development of personnel potential as a necessary condition for modernisation of the economy and ensuring competitiveness of an organisation. Development potential reflects the property of a medium to undergo changes. Currently, these changes are caused by the war, which makes it necessary to conduct research in this area. The work is aimed at considering the potential of personnel development through the prism of personal and collective potential and peculiarities of its manifestation in modern conditions. On the basis of the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalisation, the expediency of combining conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "development" and "potential" is substantiated. An emphasis is placed on the polystructural nature of the labour potential, which includes the development potential, which necessitates an integrated approach to the specifics of the types of manifestations of the personnel development potential. The result of the study, which is of practical value, is the definition of the personnel development potential and the proposed main directions of the strategy in the context of its component structure in the following areas: modernisation of incentive policy, promotion of cognitive diversity policy, expansion of communication management, formation of a supportive culture, knowledge and talent management. It is proposed to consider the potential of personnel development through the prism of a combination of opportunities and resources aimed at motivating qualitative changes of potential carriers and effective implementation of organisational changes. It is emphasised that it is necessary to study the component structure of human resources, which covers a set of components: demographic, educational, qualification, motivational. The research identifies the main risks and losses of human potential in the context of war, which limit the possibilities of the desired development and determine the priority tasks for the preservation and restoration of human potential. At the same time, an optimistic scenario of potential development opportunities in the conditions of war is highlighted, given the strengthening of the adaptive potential of personnel and the presence of a high motivational and volitional mechanism, which is an important filling resource of development potential and a system-forming factor of development.


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How to Cite
Zakharchyn, H. (2023). PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (55).