Keywords: crisis, management, anti-crisis management, strategy, enterprise


The search for ways out of the economic crisis is directly related to the elimination of the factors that cause it. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the external and internal environment, identify factors that affect the enterprise, collect and systematize information on each of these factors, and, based on an objective assessment of the state of the enterprise, determine the causes of its crisis state. Therefore, during the development of a plan for exiting a crisis situation, great attention should be paid to the creation of an anti-crisis strategy and the definition of tactics for its implementation. The article examines the strategies of anti-crisis management that will help the enterprise cope with potential crisis situations and ensure its stability and successful operation in an uncertain business environment. A definition of the definition of anti-crisis management is provided. The main components of the theoretical essence of anti-crisis management are analyzed. Different strategies of anti-crisis management, which enterprises can use to overcome crisis situations, are substantiated. It was determined that effective anti-crisis management should take into account the specifics of the industry, market competition, the financial condition of the enterprise and external factors affecting it. It has been proven that the successful implementation of anti-crisis strategies requires the cooperation of all levels of management, as well as effective communication with stakeholders. Taking into account regional variations and peculiarities in economic, political and cultural contexts can improve the effectiveness of crisis management. Further research on this topic can improve the use of modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics and cyber security, to increase the resilience of enterprises. Further study of specific crisis situations and their consequences will help identify best practices and learn important lessons for future action. All these aspects of the research will contribute to the further development of anti-crisis management and the improvement of compliance of enterprises with the challenges of the modern business environment


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How to Cite
Bohuslavska, S., Bilous, S., & Dyak, V. (2023). STRATEGIES OF ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (55).

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