Keywords: Kaizen, Total Quality Management (TQM), Lean Production (LP), Just-in-time (JIT), Gemba Kaizen, Blitz Kaizen


The article delves into the essence of the Kaizen concept. The primary focus is placed on the theoretical foundation, emphasizing the significance of continuous improvement in production processes, the development of auxiliary business processes, and their management. It is noted that a key element in the explored concept is the elimination of all waste and the maximization of material flow management. The article highlights the interconnectedness of Kaizen with Total Quality Management (TQM) theory, which allows for the identification of three main operational directions: product quality, organizational process quality, and employee qualifications. Furthermore, it underscores the close correlation between this concept and the 14 universal principles of the TQM philosophy. Another crucial aspect addressed in this publication is the disclosure of practical aspects related to the implementation of Lean Production (LP) and Just-in-time (JIT) based on Kaizen. Practical examples of European companies (Layland Trucks Ltd, Lohr & Bromkamp GmbH, Siemens Oostkamp Belgium) are provided, demonstrating how the application of Kaizen has reduced defects, increased production efficiency, and reduced product processing time. From a logistics perspective, this approach has reduced inventory costs and warehouse space requirements while enhancing supply chain reliability. The article assigns a priority role to the Kaizen Institute, which focuses on training, certification, and benchmarking in the Kaizen direction. The importance of developing the TFL model is highlighted, offering the opportunity to improve processes throughout the entire supply chain. Emerging progressive directions in the development of this concept are outlined: Gemba Kaizen, aimed at creating immediate improvements in value-added processes, and Blitz Kaizen, which refers to a conference addressing various issues. In conclusion, the application of Kaizen and its new developmental directions can enhance the production culture, facilitate swift and effective decision-making in production optimization by minimizing costs. Consequently, this contributes to overall enterprise efficiency.


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How to Cite
Hirna, O. (2023). KAIZEN CONCEPT: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS. Economy and Society, (54). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-54-87