Keywords: domestic and foreign markets, international marketing, enterprise, marketing strategy, global entrepreneurship


Today, strengthening and establishing relations between countries around the world is becoming increasingly important, and strong interaction between them contributes to the development of the entire economy. The need for companies to use international marketing is determined by the increasing openness of countries to foreign markets and the need to improve the relations of companies with these markets. The role and importance of international trade, which is of primary importance in the formation of foreign economic relations between countries, is clearly indicated. The definition of the concept of internal marketing is analyzed as a basis for clarifying the concept of international marketing. The article studies the essential characteristics of the concept of corporate "marketing strategy". The features of formation of the corporate marketing strategy are analyzed. It is proved that the structure of the marketing plan consists of elements, the implementation of which ensures the competitiveness of the enterprise. The main stages of marketing strategy development are described. It is argued that in a market economy, managers of enterprises should use marketing tools in their activities, which is associated with the dynamic development of society and the rapid development of the market. The advantages and disadvantages of international marketing are described. The strategic role of marketing policy in ensuring the efficiency of foreign economic activity of enterprises is determined. The conceptual provisions of scientific research on marketing policy and foreign economic activity of enterprises are revealed and a certain lack of thorough theoretical, methodological and applied developments in terms of highlighting their interrelations and dependencies is emphasized. Marketing policy is constantly changing due to the development of market conditions and growing competition. In order to ensure the efficiency of foreign economic activity, marketing tools are extremely important for business entities in the context of implementing international standards in business, satisfying people's needs, consumption in foreign markets, selecting industries and countries for the development of export and import activities.The essence and significance of marketing policy in terms of introduction of management technologies in the context of increasing resource requirements and uncertainty of the market environment of foreign economic activity of enterprises are substantiated. It is proved that the global marketing success of a company is demonstrated by the reputation of its product brand; the importance of studying the national culture of the country in which the company intends to introduce its products into the global business is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I. (2023). THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING IN GLOBAL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (54).