The article discusses modern approaches to the implementation of innovations in the field of HR management of the hotel and restaurant business. It was determined that modern technologies and changes in consumer behavior pose significant challenges for the hotel and restaurant sector. Based on this, it is proven that this industry must adapt to certain technological changes in order to maintain an appropriate level of its own competitiveness. The main aspects of innovations in the field of HR management of the hotel and restaurant business are considered. It was found that one of the key success factors of the enterprise in this field is the attraction and retention of qualified personnel. It has been proven that the application of innovative methods of recruiting talented employees can significantly increase the efficiency of the hotel and restaurant business. The peculiarities of the implementation of modern information technologies in the HR processes of the hotel and restaurant business are considered. It is substantiated that the use of specialized software products and online tools helps to automate personnel management processes, simplifies interaction between personnel and company management, and also ensures greater accuracy of information. The importance of innovation in the development of leadership potential in the company is determined, as modern leaders must be flexible, able to adapt to changes, set ambitious goals and constantly improve. It has been proven that innovations in approaches to leadership development help to form a powerful personnel reserve for the future development of the enterprise. The precedents of successful implementation of innovations in HR management of the hotel and restaurant business, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the application of innovative approaches and technologies that contribute to improving the quality of service, reducing staff turnover and increasing the level of satisfaction of customers and company staff, are analyzed. It was determined that innovations in HR management of the hotel and restaurant business are a necessary element of the successful development of the entire industry. Therefore, the use of modern methods of attracting, retaining and developing personnel allows companies to achieve the appropriate level of competitiveness.
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