The article considers practical and theoretical approaches to the formation of a scheme of a strong «Online+Offline» business model of a retailer, taking into account modern trends in the retail business. The model is proposed to be conditionally divided into two parts: the first – internal business processes and technologies – a basis that is invisible to the client, but provides a high-quality value proposition to the client; the second part is the direct value proposition to the client. Internal business processes and technologies create the basis of a strong retailer's business model. This part is invisible to the customer, but thanks to it he receives a quality retail service. Internal business processes and technologies are considered as a set of four interconnected blocks: provision, solutions, loyalty and technology. A separate role in these blocks belongs to marketing and branding, in particular to the promotion of retail services. Loyalty is allocated to a separate block, which involves the formation of an ERP-customer loyalty system. This system aims to create databases for each client, create individual offers and develop an individual communication system with each client. The second part of the retailer's O+O business model is the customer-visible part and represents the retailer's value proposition to the customer. It includes comprehensive closeness of the retailer to the client, understanding of his life situation and pain points, convenience and individual approach. The proximity of the retailer to the client is considered as a comprehensive phenomenon, and includes assortment, time, conceptual, price, geographical proximity, etc. In the «O+O» aspect of the format, it is also important to implement the advantages of online trade in store-retail and vice versa, as well as to ensure omnichannel and synchronization of customer touch points with business across all channels. Thus, regardless of the media from which the client contacts the retailer, even if he makes an offline purchase, all touch points will be synchronized into a single system that will form a portrait of the client, his preferences, lifestyle, and pain points. This will allow individualizing the offer and strengthening the level of loyalty
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