The article is devoted to the topical issue of determining the budget efficiency of territories in the context of decentralization reform, which is also confirmed by the complex impact of the latter on the socio-economic development of individual regions. The purpose of the article is a meaningful study of the essence and features of ensuring the budget efficiency of territories in the context of decentralization reform. In order to conduct research, the article uses the following methods: systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction – to systematize current approaches to formulating the essence of the concept of "budget efficiency of territories" and formulating their own approach to interpreting this concept; graphical method, trend analysis, grouping method – in order to establish budget efficiency in the context of decentralization reform. The article provides a critical analysis of the content of budget efficiency and its features in the context of decentralization reform. It is established that one of the central problems of ensuring the budget efficiency of the territories is the streamlining of the sources of formation of their budgets and the efficiency of the use of financial resources. Researched and systematized scientific views on the concepts of "budget efficiency", "decentralization", "financial decentralization". Typical characteristics of budget efficiency of territories are formed, among which are distinguished: stimulation of tax capacity of territorial communities, growth of investment resources of local budgets, increase of financial stability of local budgets, maintenance of parity between needs of regions in financing and expenses, etc. Based on a critical analysis of the literature, the author's approach to understanding the concept of "budget efficiency of territories" is proposed. The conclusions on the decentralization reform based on the analysis of statistical data are outlined. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of improving the legal and regulatory framework for budgeting and decentralization processes on the basis of identified shortcomings.
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