Keywords: tourism, recreation, tourist, service, safety


The article conducts an analytical review of the standards and measures of safety activities in the field of tourism and recreation in Ukraine. It is noted that the sphere of tourism and recreation is currently actively developing around the world. However, at the same time, the issue of safety in the tourism and recreation business, in particular, ensuring the personal safety of tourists (recreationists), is gaining significant mass appeal. This aspect that shapes the relevance of the research. It is specified that the concept of safety applies to all areas of entrepreneurial activity, including the tourism and recreational sphere. On the basis of a critical analysis of the information presented in the scientific literature, the definition of the term «safety in tourism» was proposed. The article establishes that one of the most important factors of business processes in the sphere of tourism and recreation is ensuring safety standards of the activity. It is stated that currently in Ukraine there are negative factors hindering the development of the tourism industry, in particular, tourism safety, among which are the unsatisfactory state of modern tourism infrastructure, the inconsistency of the material and technical base of tourism with international standards, imperfection of the regulatory and legal framework, etc. The main criteria of tourist and recreational services have been defined. The basic factors of regulatory and legal support of activities related to the safety of tourists and recreationists have been distinguished. The main directions of implementation of safety standards in the field of tourism and recreation in Ukraine are delineated. In conclusion, it is stated that ensuring the safety of tourists (recreationalists) should be implemented starting from the tourist location or place of recreational activity and ending with state organisations that regulate the activities of the tourism sector. The regulatory and legal framework for the development and implementation of rules for the residence of tourists (recreationists) during the implementation of tourist or recreational services that would ensure quality and safe recreation, the interests of tourists (recreationists) and the host party should be reciprocally harmonised and integrated into safety standards.


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